Over Dipping Wax

DIPSEAL® waxes are low viscosity blends designed to be used as an overdipping wax for coating runner/pattern assemblies. They can be used for blending out imperfections and as a low melt point surface wax.

Other similar products used specifically for the Artisan industry are:

  • Premiere Sealing Wax
  • Beeswax

Key product features:

  • Low Drop Melt Point allows flow to start quickly and permits safe expansion of the pattern wax.
  • Low viscosity allows rapid evacuation during dewaxing.
  • Low ash minimizes metal mold reaction.
  • Good primary slurry coat adhesion.

To find out more information about our DIPSEAL over dipping waxes, please contact us. One of Remet’s Technical Sales Managers would be happy to discuss your requirements and what we can supply for your process.